Licensing the Opening of a Public Pharmacy

Estimated Time:
  • The first inspection happens within two weeks from the date of request submission
  • The second inspection happened within two weeks from the date of request submission



Ministry of Health/ Health Professions and Institutions Licensing Directorate/ Pharmaceutical Institutions Licensing Department

Estimated Fee:

  • (400) JODs for licensing the pharmacy
  • (5) JOD the price of the daily  prescriptions log

  • Description
  • Procedures
  • Required Documents
  • Persons benefiting from the service
  • Files
  • Related Services


Conditions for obtaining service


  • A period of three years of having the Professional License or two years after selling a pharmacy the applicant owned.
  • A (40) square meters office space for the pharmacy to be licensed.
  • The pharmacy that needs to be licensed must be 100 meter away from the nearest pharmacy that is licensed in longitudinal and central commercial construction, and (250) meter away from the other types of pharmacies.
  • The number of the branches of the pharmacy must be equal to, and not more than, the number of the partnering pharmacists.



Partner institutions:



  1. The applicant visits Pharmaceutical Institutions Licensing Department, submits the request as per the designated form of licensing the pharmacy along with the required documents and requests the first inspection.
  2. The Department will then review the enclosed documents, approve the request, if complete, and true. 
  3. The transaction will be documented in the register.
  4. The registered transaction will be forwarded, first, to the Director of Health Professions and Institutions Licensing Directorate for review, and then to Pharmaceutical Institutions Licensing Department.
  5. The application to obtain the license will be assigned for the Field Inspection Program.
  6. The first actual inspection of the location will be carried out to verify meeting the two conditions of space and distance.
    1. If the committee disapproves the location, the applicant is given a letter stating the reason of disapproval.
    2. If the committee approves the location, the applicant receives an initial approval letter.

The Second Site Inspection:

  1. The applicant visits Pharmaceutical Institutions Licensing Department and submits the request for the second inspection along with the required documents.
  2. The Department will then review the enclosed documents, approve the request, if complete, and true, and supplies the applicant with guidelines for necessary technical and health fittings and specifications.
  3. The applicant pays the due fees in the Financial Department.
  4. The transaction will be documented in the register.
  5. The registered transaction will be forwarded, first, to the Director of Health Professions and Institutions Licensing Directorate for review, and then to Pharmaceutical Institutions Licensing Department.
  6. The application to obtain the license will be assigned for the Field Inspection Program.
  7. Pharmaceutical Institutions Licensing Committee will carry out the second inspection of the location to verify meeting the technical and health specifications.
    1. If the committee disapproves the location, the applicant is given a letter stating the reason of disapproval. The applicant can appeal to an appeal committee, which will, in turn, checks the reasons of appeal and decide upon it.
    2. If the committee approves the location, the applicant receives the approval letter signed by the Minister of Health for licensing and direct action.

Required Documents

As for the First Inspection:

  • A certificate of proof of no fulltime commitment  (a letter of resignation from the last employer with whom the applicant was working, and a certificate from the Social Security Corporation proving the applicant’s zero commitment to work for any party).
  • A valid lease contract under the name of the company or the title deed of the property in which the pharmacy is located.
  • A survey plan by a licensed surveyor, and a report showing the area of the pharmacy and distance from the nearest previously licensed pharmacy.
  • An approval of the Municipality under which coverage the pharmacy is located. 
  • A valid organization plan of the site (the issuing date shall be within a year).
  • A copy of the Civil Status ID card.
  • The approval of the Jordanian Pharmacists Syndicate on licensing the pharmacy.

After the initial approval of site:

  • A copy of the commercial register issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
  • A copy of trade name registration certificate.
  • The stamp of the pharmacy showing (the trade name and the detailed address).
  • A request to buy daily prescriptions log.

Persons benefiting from the service



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